What Is The ACH Hold Order Fee From Bank Of America?

ACH Hold Order Fee From Bank Of America

ACH Hold is very common in banking transactions and when an ACH hold is placed on a bank account, it means that a payment that was authorized is about to be deducted from the account. Usually, the “ACH hold check order fee” comes in two ways. Either, a payment that you have made is about to be deducted from your account or an amount is getting deposited into your account.

Key Takeaways

  • ACH system enables the electronic transfer of money between two different bank accounts
  • Some common examples of ACH payments are social security payments, payroll checks, one-time debt payments, etc.
  • An ACH check hold order fee refers to a fee that bank charges for ordering checks
  • The ACH Hold gives you time to spot unauthorized transfers and take the necessary steps

Meaning Of ACH Hold

Meaning Of ACH Hold

ACH stands for Automated Clearing House. This is a system that enables the electronic transfer of money between two different bank accounts. For example, if you receive your paycheck via direct deposit then it is a prime example of an ACH transaction. It requires time to process the ACH debits and credits. If the ACH funding hold has been placed on your bank account then it means a deposit or deduction is pending for your account. For ACH Hold, the bank has been notified of the transaction, but it will take time until the funds are cleared. But, once the ACH hold is placed on the account, you can expect the transaction to be complete in short order. Here is the overview of the ACH hold process – 

Step 1: The ACH entry is sent to the bank

Step 2: The bank acknowledges the transaction

Step 3: The bank places an ACH hold on the account

Step 4: The bank performs necessary checks to make sure funds are available

Step 5: The money is either deducted or deposited, and the transaction is completed

How Do ACH Payments Work?

If you want to have a clear idea about what ACH Hold is then you should take a closer look at how ACH payments work. Some common examples of ACH payments are – 

1. Social Security payments

2. Recurring or subscription payments

3. One-time debt payments

4. Payroll checks 

These ACH payments can be broken down into two categories; they are – ACH debits and ACH credits. If you want to initiate ACH debit then you have to provide checking account information and authorize automatic payments to another bank account. Common examples of ACH debits are recurring payments to utility companies, gyms, or subscription services. After providing these details the bank will receive an ACH entry and place a hold on your account until the transaction is processed. This process ensures that you won’t spend your funds on anything else until the payment has cleared.

What Is The ACH Hold Check Order Fee?

ACH Hold Check Order Fee

Banks use various types of code words to identify their working procedure so you might be wondering “what is ACH hold check order fee?” If there is an ACH check hold order fee then it means the bank has charged a fee for ordering checks. Most banks charge fees for check orders and if you have paid the fees online then it could show up under this type of title. Just like any other fees, ACH holds are all part of the process of transferring money using the ACH network. This type of hold is required for banks to ensure that funds are in place before completing transactions. So, ACH Hold offers a more secure transfer process.

Unauthorized ACH Funding Holds

Security is the main feature of the ACH system and ACH holds play an important role in preventing fraud activities. If there is an ACH Hold on your account that you don’t recognize then you should contact your bank. You should inform the bank authority about the suspicious ACH Hold on your account. The ACH Hold gives you and the Bank a Window of time to spot these unauthorized transfers and take the necessary steps.

FAQs About What Is The ACH Hold Order Fee From Bank Of America?

Does Bank Of America Charge For ACH?

The Bank of America will charge a fee for outgoing ACH transfers. But if you initiate the transfer from another bank then Bank of America won’t charge a fee. Moreover, if you want to move money out of your Bank of America account then you can initiate the transfer from the other bank to avoid the fee.

How Do You Avoid ACH Fees?

If you want to avoid ACH fees then you can set up automatic monthly payments. Moreover, you can also use Zelle or a payment app like Venmo to send money and avoid the fee. If you transfer money a lot then you can consider comparing the fees charged by different banks and then pick a bank that will charge less.

How Long Is An ACH Hold?

The answer to this question depends on the financial institution where your account is. Usually, the financial institutes can choose to process and deliver the ACH credits within the same day or in one to two business days. On the other hand, the ACH debit transactions must be processed by the next business day.

How Long Can A Bank Hold An ACH Deposit?

A bank can hold an ACH deposit for a maximum of 5 business days. However, in certain circumstances, the hold time code is more.

Does Bank Of America Charge For Electronic Transfers?

Yes, Bank of America charges for electronic transfers. For domestic electronic transfers, Bank of America charges $15 for incoming wire transfers and $30 for outgoing wire transfers.


1. https://gocardless.com/en-us/guides/posts/what-does-ach-hold-mean/
2. https://neptunmag.com/banking/ach-hold/

Last Updated on November 10, 2022 by Magalie D.

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