Discover Bank offers a credit scoreboard where you can check FICO Credit Score and other credit information for free. Discover credit scoreboard provides credit information based on data from Experian therefore the credit score from Discover might vary from credit scores of other credit bureaus.
The discover credit score is accurate for FICO credit score because Discover uses FICO 8 and TransUnion to calculate the FICO credit score. Therefore, Discover credit score is 100% accurate for FICO 8 score which is generated by the same TransUnion report.
What Is Discover Credit Scorecard?
Discover is a very popular and one of the major credit card issuers that allow people to check their FICO credit score for free. You can check the credit score from the company’s website and you don’t have to be a Discover cardholder to check the score. With Discover, you can check your total accounts, credit history length, number of hard inquiries, your credit limit, number of missed payments, and many more. Discover also alerts a user for three different activities that might affect their credit score. They are:
1. Social Security Number Alerts
2. New Account Alerts
3. New Credit Inquiry Alerts
How To Use Discover Credit Scoreboard
The best part of Discover’s credit score is you don’t require a credit card to access it. To sign up is Discover you will need below information:
1. Your name
2. Mailing address
3. Email address
4. Social Security number
You will need to create a free account at to access your free FICO score from Discover. You will have to provide a username and password to open the account. Moreover, you have to answer 4 questions to confirm your identity and then select a security question to complete the process.
Why Discover Credit Scorecard
Discover credit scoreboard provides free FICO credit score from Experian. Experian is one of the three major consumer credit bureaus. FICO credit score is very important because most of the financial institutes and lenders use FICO credit score. There are many free credit score providers available like Credit Karma, Credit Sesame, etc. and they only provide a VantageScore credit score. VantageScore and FICO credit scores are not the same and FICO is the most important credit score therefore Discover credit scorecard is more significant. In the Discover credit scoreboard, your free credit score will update monthly. The Discover credit scorecard will be a good option if you –
1. Want to check your FICO score more frequently
2. Want to check the FICO score than the VantageScore
3. Want free credit monitoring and free SSN monitoring
FAQs About Discover Credit Score
1. Will Checking The FICO Credit Score With Discover Affect The Score?
2. What Measures Does Discover Take To Protect The Privacy Of Users?
3. Will A Credit Freeze Prevent Updates To The Discover Credit Scorecard?
3. How Is My FICO Score Calculated?
1. Payment history: 35%
2. The amount you owe: 30%
3. Length of credit history: 15%
4. New credit opened: 10%
5. Types of credit you have: 10%
4. Why Did The Discover Score Change?
5. Why Is My FICO Credit Score Different Than Other Credit Scores I’ve Seen?
1. Discover provides an FICO score of 8 while many lenders use several different kinds of FICO scoring models
2. Discover provides the FICO score based on the data from your TransUnion credit report so the score may vary if you are using data from Experian or Equifax credit report
3. The discover FICO score may vary from month to month so check the date carefully when you are viewing your score.