What Is A4 Size Paper And How It Is Different Than Other Sizes Of Paper | Paper Dimensions, Usage & Alternatives

A4 size paper is the most popular and most common type of paper size across the world. When the size of the paper is 8.3 inches wide by 11.7 inches high then it is considered A4 size paper. Apart from the USA, Canada, and Mexico most countries in the world consider A4 size as the standard size for printing. The above three countries consider Legal, Letter, and Ledger/Tabloid as the standard size for printing. The main difference between A4 and US Letter paper is the dimension. US Letter paper has a width of 215.9 mm with a length of 279.4 mm while A4 paper has a width of 210 mm and a length of 297 mm.

Key Takeaways

  • Paper sizes are available in two types: North American Paper Sizes and International Paper Sizes
  • The American National Standards Process (ANSI) has 5 standard paper sizes: ANSI A, ANSI B, ANSI C, ANSI D, and ANSI E
  • The International Organization for Standardization or ISO has 3 series of paper sizes: A Series, B Series, and C Series
  • A4 size paper is 8.3 x 11.7 inches and Legal size paper is 8.5 x 14.0 inches

Understanding Various Types Of Paper Sizes

Understanding Various Types Of Paper Sizes

1. North American Paper Sizes

2. International Paper Sizes

North American Paper Sizes

The American National Standards Process, or ANSI, has set some standards for paper sizes in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This standard dimension ensures that an electronic document in a certain size will print accordingly and as expected on the same size of paper. Usually, the ANSI sizes are labeled alphabetically from smallest to largest. Here are the details – 

1. ANSI A: This is the letter-size paper with an aspect ratio of 1:1.2941. This paper size has a width of 8.5 inches and a height of 11 inches.    

2. ANSI B: It is referred to as ledger paper size and it is 11 inches wide by 17 inches high. The aspect ratio of this paper is 1:1.5455. 

3. ANSI C: This type of paper is used for various signs. The size of this paper is 17 inches wide by 22 inches in height. The aspect ratio of this paper is 1:1.2941.  

4. ANSI D: This paper size is larger than ANSI C. It has an aspect ratio of 1:1.5455. The size of this paper is 22 inches wide and 34 inches high.  

5. ANSI E: This is the biggest size paper in the ANSI standards and it runs 34 inches wide by 44 inches high. Its aspect ratio is 1:1.2941.

Traditional North American Paper Sizes

FormatSize in InchesSize in Millimeters
Junior Legal8 × 5203 × 127
Letter8.5 × 11216 × 279
Legal8.5 × 14216 × 356
Tabloid (Ledger)11 × 17279 × 432

ANSI Paper Sizes

FormatSize in InchesSize in MillimetersRatio
ANSI A8.5 × 11216 × 2791.2941
ANSI B11 × 17279 × 4321.5455
ANSI C17 × 22432 × 5591.2941
ANSI D22 × 34559 × 8641.5455
ANSI E34 × 44864 × 11181.2941

International Paper Sizes

The International Organization for Standardization or ISO has set a standard for printable paper sizes. The main difference between ANSI sizes and international sizes is the aspect ratio. International paper size has a fixed aspect ratio and it is 1:1.4142. There are three types of paper sizes available and they are prefixed A, B, and C. A series is the most widely used paper size for printing and letterhead stationery. Below are some of the most common A-series paper sizes – 

1. A0: This paper size is mostly used for large posters and signs. The size of this paper is 33.1 inches wide and 46.8 inches high.   

2. A1: This paper size measures 23.4 inches wide and 33.1 inches high. The aspect ratio of this paper size is 1:1.468. 

3. A2: This type of paper is mostly used for displays and notices. It has a wide of 16.5 inches and a height of 23.4 inches. 

4. A3: The size of this paper is 11.7 inches wide and 16.5 inches high and A3 paper is used for presentations.

5. A4: This paper size is compared with letter paper of North American Paper Sizes. It runs by 8.3 inches wide and 11.7 inches high. 

6. A5: A5 size papers are mostly used for books and flyers. It is the half size of A4 size papers. It is 5.8 inches wide by 8.3 inches high.

7. A6: A6 paper runs 4.1 inches wide by 5.8 inches high and it is the size of postcards.  

8. A7: This type of paper size is used for small notes and its size is 2.9 inches wide by 4.1 inches high. 

9. A8: This type of paper is used for business card printing and it is 2 inches wide and 2.9 inches high. 

10. A9: This is a ticket size paper and it is used for various ticket printing. The size of this paper is 1.5 inches wide and 2 inches high. 

11. A10: If you want to print some stamps then you have to use A10 papers. A10 paper is 1 inch wide and 1.5 inches high.

International Paper Dimensions

A Series

FormatSize in InchesSize in Millimeters
A033.1 × 46.8841 × 1189
A123.4 × 33.1594 × 841
A216.5 × 23.4420 × 594
A311.7 × 16.5297 × 420
A48.3 × 11.7210 × 297
A55.8 × 8.3148 × 210
A64.1 × 5.8105 × 148
A72.9 × 4.174 × 105
A82.0 × 2.952 × 74
A91.5 × 2.037 × 52
A101.0 × 1.526 × 37

B Series

FormatSize in InchesSize in Millimeters
B039.4 × 55.71000 × 1414
B127.8 × 39.4707 × 1000
B219.7 × 27.8500 × 707
B313.9 × 19.7353 × 500
B49.8 × 13.9250 × 353
B56.9 × 9.8176 × 250
B64.9 × 6.9125 × 176
B73.5 × 4.988 × 125
B82.4 × 3.562 × 88
B91.7 × 2.444 × 62
B101.2 × 1.731 × 44

C Series

FormatSize in InchesSize in Millimeters
C036.1 × 51.1917 × 1297
C125.5 × 36.11648 × 917
C218.0 × 25.5458 × 648
C312.8 × 18.0324 × 458
C49.0 × 12.8229 × 324
C56.4 × 9.0162 × 229
C64.5 × 6.4114 × 162
C73.2 × 4.581 × 114
C82.2 × 3.257 × 81
C91.6 × 2.240 × 57
C101.1 × 1.628 × 40

Difference Between A4 Size Paper And Other Paper Sizes

Difference Between A4 Size Paper And Other Paper Sizes

A4 Size VS. Legal Size

A4 size paper is 8.3 x 11.7 inches (210 x 297 mm) whereas Legal size paper is 8.5 x 14.0 inches (216 x 356 mm). Legal size paper is taller than A4 size paper.

A4 Size VS. Letter Size

Letter size paper is 8.5 x 11 inches (215.9 x 279.4 mm), whereas A4 size paper is 8.3 x 11.7 inches (210 x 297 mm). Among A4 and Letter, A4 is the most recognizable paper for printing. A4 size is the international equivalent of the US letter size paper. However, US letter size paper is much taller and narrower. US letter size paper is used for your average, everyday printing around the world. On the other hand, A4 is commonly used for business stationery letterheads, textbooks, essays, and reports.

A3 Size VS. Letter Size

The main difference between letter size paper and A3 size paper is its dimension. A3 size paper is larger than letter size paper and it is mainly used as a chart for presentations, as well as movie posters, wall notices, and architectural plans.           

A5 Size VS. Letter Size

A5 size paper is a bit smaller than the letter-size paper and it has a variety of uses like booklets, pamphlets, diaries, journals and planners, flyers, etc.

A6 Size VS. Letter Size

A6 size paper is a compact paper size and it is regularly used for postcards, flyers, and save dates. A6 size paper is smaller than the letter size.

Legal Size VS. Letter Size

Both legal size and letter size paper have the same width but the legal-size paper is larger in length than the letter size paper. Letter size paper is used more commonly than legal pages. On the other hand, legal papers are used for writing contracts.

Usages Of Various Size Papers

Paper TypeUsages
LetterPrinter paper, Schoolwork, Office documents, Meeting notes, Resumes
LegalLegal contracts, Excel spreadsheets, Real estate deals
LedgerDrawings, Diagrams, Posters
A0Window displays, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings, Posters, Architectural plans, Exhibition graphics
A1Window displays, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings, Posters, Architectural plans, Exhibition graphics
A2Window displays, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings, Posters, Architectural plans, Exhibition graphics
A3Posters, Wall notices, Architectural plans, Computer-Aided Design, (CAD) drawings
A4Reports, Essays, Textbooks, Letterheads, Training manuals, Standard international printer paper
A5Booklets, Pamphlets, Diaries, Journals, Planners, Invitations, Paperback novels
A6Save the dates, Invitations, Postcards, Cue cards, Flashcards
A7Large Post-it notes, Tickets
A8Business cards, Driver’s licenses, bank cards
A9Vouchers, Tickets

FAQs about What is A4 Size Paper and How it is Different than Other Sizes of Paper

Why Is A4 Paper Called A4?

A4 size paper is half an A3 or one-quarter of A2. Moreover, it is one-sixteenth of A0. A0 has an area of one square meter and four A4 size paper is equivalent to one A0 paper. Therefore, it is called A4 size paper.

What Is The Difference Between A Letter And A4 Size Paper?

The difference between A4 and letter size is minimal but it’s important. A4 size paper is a little taller while the letter-size paper is a little wider.

What Countries Use A4 Paper?

The A4 paper has become the international standard and now this standard has been adopted by all countries in the world except the United States and Canada.

What’s Bigger A4 Or A5?

A4 size paper is bigger than A5 size paper. If you cut the A4 paper in half along its longest side then you will get two A5 size papers. So, if you combine two A5 size pieces of paper then you will get one A4 size paper.               


1. https://www.doxdirect.com/help/what-size-is-a4-paper/
2. https://www.papersizes.org/a-paper-sizes.htm
