What Is The Principal Business Code And How To Get One?

Normally, every business should have a principal business code for filing federal business tax profits and also for other U.S. government identification functions. This six-digit code number explains the kinds of products or services you sell, who you sell to, and the industry you are in. actually, the principal business code of a business is fully based on the business performance that produces the most income. The basic business activity is decided via the virtual share of production prices or by principal investment. This is also called the Professional Activity code.

Key Takeaways

  • The principal business codes include the service and technology industry codes
  • The principal business codes are mainly used as the general business identifiers for NAFTA
  • The Census Bureau and the IRS can use the principal business codes for statistical purposes
  • The principal business code of your business is needed on all business tax returns

How The Principal Business Codes Are Established?

The principal business codes are fully based on the North American Industry Classification System, NAICS. It normally includes the service and technology industry codes and also it was created to use the general business identifiers for NAFTA, i.e. the North American Free Trade Agreement between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. In such a system, these identifiers are updated every few years.

How To Use The Principal Business Code?

The Census Bureau and the IRS can both utilize this code for statistical purposes. Here, the U.S. Census Bureau utilizes the PBC for gathering, investigating, and publishing statistical information related to the U.S. business economy. The IRS utilizes the information about businesses to compare revenue and also looks for businesses that have differences from a standard.

The SBA, i.e. Small Business Administration has a standard size for small businesses, which determines whether the business is eligible as a small business for SBA loan assurance purposes. This SBA also associates the principal business codes for every industry to the size of the business with respect to either average employment or annual receipts.

How To Identify Your Company’s Principal Business Code?

Identifying your company’s PBC is more complex than it may look. Even some of the businesses obviously suit into a category, while the others are not as evident; because it is impossible to add each single business form in a classification system. You may also have to look a while to come up with the perfect robust category.

Being by discovering the subcategory or common industry category for your business, the industries are listed alphabetically. The wholesale, retail and other service industries are listed individually.

Within that common category or industry, you just simply discover the description that best suits your business. It may also be something unpredicted. In some cases, there is not a certain category of business that matches what you are performing. In such a case, you just look for all other or non-certain categories inside your common industry.

If you cannot even identify your business code in a scientific, professional and technical services category, you may want to use 541990 for all other scientific, professional, and technical services.

Principal Business Code On Your Business Tax Return

The principal business code of your business is needed on all business tax returns. If you have many sources of income inside your business, you can simply enter the one that takes in many revenues. If you have more than one business, you should enter an individual tax return for each one.

Magalie D. is a Diploma holder in Public Administration & Management from the McGill University of Canada. She shares management tips here in MGTBlog when she has nothing to do and gets some free time after working in a multinational company in Toronto.

List Of IRS Principal Business Activity Codes

NAICS based principal Business Code according to classified business activity as below. The first column is for codes and the second column is for principal business description name.

Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
Crop production
111100Oilseed and grain farming
111210Vegetable and melon farming
111300Fruit and tree nut farming
111400Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production
111900Other crop farming (tobacco, cotton, etc.)
Animal production
112111Beef cattle ranching and farming
112112Cattle feedlots
112120Dairy cattle and milk production
112210Hog and pig farming
112300Poultry and egg production
112400Sheep and goat farming
112510Animal aquaculture
112900Other animal production
Forestry and logging
113110Timber tract operations
113210Forest nurseries and gathering of forest products
Fishing, hunting and trapping
114210Hunting and trapping
Support activities for agriculture and forestry
115110Support activities for crop production
115210Support activities for animal production
115310Support activities for forestry
211110Oil and gas extraction
212110Coal mining
212200Metal ore mining
212310Stone mining and quarrying
212320Sand, gravel, clay, etc. mining and quarrying
212390Other nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying
213110Support activities for mining
221100Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
221210Natural gas distribution
221300Water, sewage and other systems
Construction of buildings
236110Residential building construction
236200Nonresidential building construction
Heavy and civil engineering construction
237100Utility system construction
237210Land subdivision
237310Highway, street, and bridge construction
237990Other heavy and civil engineering construction
Specialty trade contractors
238100Foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors
238210Electrical contractors
238220Plumbing, heating, and air
238290Other building equipment contractors
238300Building finishing contractors
238900Other specialty trade contractors
Food manufacturing
311110Animal food
311200Grain and oilseed milling
311300Sugar and confectionery product
311400Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty
311500Dairy product
311610Animal slaughtering and processing
311710Seafood product prep and packaging
311800Bakeries and tortilla
311900Other food (coffee, tea, etc.)
Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
312110Soft drink and ice
Textile mills and textile product mills
313000Textile mills
314000Textile product mills
Apparel manufacturing
315100Apparel knitting mills
315210Cut and sew apparel contractors
315220Men’s and boys’ cut and sew apparel
315230Women’s and girls’ cut and sew apparel
315290Other cut and sew apparel
315990Apparel accessories and other apparel
Leather and allied product manufacturing
316110Leather and hide tanning and finishing
316990Other leather and allied product
Wood product manufacturing
321110Sawmills and wood preservation
321210Veneer, plywood and engineered wood products
321900Other wood product
Paper manufacturing
322100Pulp, paper, paperboard mills
322200Converted paper product
Printing and related support activities
323100Printing and related support activities
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
324110Petroleum refineries
324120Asphalt paving, roofing, saturated materials
324190Other petroleum and coal products
Chemical manufacturing
325100Basic chemical
325200Resin, synthetic rubber, etc.
325300Pesticide, fertilizer, other agricultural chemicals
325410Pharmaceuticals and medicine
325500Paint, coating, adhesive
325600Soap, cleaning compound, toilet prep
325900Other chemical products and prep
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
326100Plastics product
326200Rubber product
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
327100Clay product and refractory
327210Glass and glass product
327300Cement and concrete product
327400Lime and gypsum product
327900Other nonmetallic mineral product
Primary metal manufacturing
331110Iron and steel mills and ferroalloy
331200Steel product from purchased steel
331310Alumina and aluminum production and processing
331400Nonferrous metals (except aluminum)
Fabricated metal product manufacturing
332110Forging and stamping
332210Cutlery and hand tool
332300Architectural and structural metals
332400Boiler, tank, shipping container
332610Spring and wire product
332700Machine shops, turned production, screws, nuts, etc.
332810Coating, engraving, heat treating, etc.
332900Other fabricated metal product
Machinery manufacturing
333100Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery
333200Industrial machinery
333310Commercial and service industry machinery
333410Ventilation, heating, air
333510Metalworking machinery
333610Engine, turbine, power transmission equipment
333900Other general
Computer and electronic product manufacturing
334110Computer and peripheral equipment
334200Communications equipment
334310Audio and video equipment
334410Semiconductor and other electronic computer equipment
334500Navigational, measuring, etc. instruments
334610Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media
Electrical equipment, appliance, component manufacturing
335100Electric lighting equipment
335200Household appliance
335310Electrical equipment
335900Other electrical equipment and component
Transportation equipment manufacturing
336100Motor vehicle
336210Motor vehicle body and trailer
336300Motor vehicle parts
336410Aerospace product and parts
336510Railroad rolling stock
336610Ship and boat building
336990Other transportation equipment
Furniture and related product manufacturing
337000Furniture and related product
Miscellaneous manufacturing
339110Medical equipment and supplies
339900Other miscellaneous manufacturing
Wholesale Trade
Merchant wholesalers, durable goods
423100Motor vehicle, parts and supplies
423200Furniture and home furnishing
423300Lumber and other construction materials
423400Professional and commercial equipment and supplies
423500Metal and mineral (except petroleum)
423600Electrical and electronic goods
423700Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment
423800Machinery, equipment and supplies
423910Sporting and recreational goods and supplies
423920Toy and hobby goods and supplies
423930Recyclable material
423940Jewelry, watch, precious stone, and precious metal
423990Other miscellaneous durable goods
Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods
424100Paper and paper product
424210Drugs and druggists’ sundries
424300Apparel, piece goods, and notions
424400Grocery and related product
424500Farm product raw material
424600Chemical and allied products
424700Petroleum and petroleum products
424800Beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverage
424910Farm supplies
424920Book, periodical and newspaper
424930Flower, nursery stock and florists’ supplies
424940Tobacco and tobacco product
424950Paint, varnish and supplies
424990Other miscellaneous nondurable goods
Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers
425120Wholesale trade agents and brokers
Retail Trade
Motor vehicle and parts dealers
441110New car dealers
441120Used car dealers
441210Recreational vehicle dealers
441221Motorcycle dealers
441222Boat dealers
441229All other motor vehicle dealers
441300Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores
Furniture and home furnishings stores
442110Furniture stores
442210Floor covering stores
442291Window treatment stores
442299All other home furnishings stores
Electronics and appliance stores
443111Household appliance stores
443112Radio, television, and other electronics stores
443120Computer and software stores
443130Camera and photographic supplies stores
Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers
444110Home centers
444120Paint and wallpaper stores
444130Hardware stores
444190Other building material dealers
444200Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores
Food and beverage stores
445110Supermarkets and another grocery (except convenience)
445120Convenience stores
445210Meat markets
445220Fish and seafood markets
445230Fruit and vegetable markets
445291Baked goods stores
445292Confectionery and nut stores
445299All other specialty food stores
445310Beer, wine, liquor stores
Health and personal care stores
446110Pharmacies and drug stores
446120Cosmetics, beauty supplies and perfume stores
446130Optical goods stores
446190Other health and personal care stores
Gasoline stations
447100Gasoline stations (including convenience stores w/gas)
Clothing and clothing accessories stores
448110Men’s clothing stores
448120Women’s clothing stores
448130Children’s and infants’ clothing stores
448140Family clothing stores
448150Clothing accessories stores
448190Other clothing stores
448210Shoe stores
448310Jewelry stores
448320Luggage and leather goods stores
Sporting goods, hobbies, book, and music stores
451110Sporting goods stores
451120Hobby, toy, and game stores
451130Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores
451140Musical instrument and supplies stores
451211Book stores
451212News dealers and newsstands
451220Prerecorded tape, compact disc, and record stores
General merchandise stores
452110Department stores
452900Other general merchandise stores
Miscellaneous store retailers
453210Office supplies and stationery stores
453220Gift, novelty and souvenir stores
453310Used merchandise stores
453910Pet and pet supplies stores
453920Art dealers
453930Manufactured (mobile) home dealers
453990All other miscellaneous store retailers
Nonstore retailers
454110Electronic shopping and mail
454210Vending machine operators
454311Heating oil dealers
454312Liquefied petroleum gas (bottled gas) dealers
454319Other fuel dealers
454390Other direct selling establishments

These codes are also called IRS Business Codes that actually help the Internal Revenue Code Administration to process and manage the enterprises, sole proprietor, independent contractor, and other business owner’s tax return/income tax/expense (and other sectors) data in Canada, the USA, and Mexico.

Types Of PBC ( Primary Business Codes) and Business Tax Returns

A Schedule C Form is required if you own multiple sole proprietorships. Here you go to read the PDF from IRS Gov.

Here are the types to keep in mind –

1. Schedule C for sole proprietorships and single-member LLCs

2. U.S. Return of Partnership Income (Form 1065) for partnerships and multi-member LLCs

3. U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return (Form 1120) for C corporations

4. U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation (Form 1120-S)


1. https://ttlc.intuit.com/community/business-taxes/discussion/where-do-i-find-a-principal-business-code-must-be-entered-schedule-c-is-asking-enter-a-valid-6-digit/00/674108
2. https://www.picnictax.com/blog/principal-business-codes-tax-guidelines-for-entrepreneurs/
