Do You Want To Get Your Online Marketing Tasks Done Easily And Quickly?
Are You Looking For The Most Effective Tools To Do So?
Managing a company’s marketing tasks is no small accomplishment. It requires a combination of creativity, organizational skills, and an active team. Performing all these tasks is no doubt tough. And, performing these tasks effectively secures your company’s success.
But, can you able to make all of these easier?
Yes, you can.
In this article, I discussed some of the best free tools available that every marketing manager should know. Let’s find out what they are:
1. For what? – social media scheduling
2. Why You Should Use It – if you want to schedule your social media marketing posts ahead of time, then Buffer is definitely the best tool. Managing a number of social profiles can get hectic and time-consuming. Imagine being able to schedule your posts well ahead of time for all your social profiles! Yes, Buffer allows you to schedule up to 10 updates for each social media profile at any given time.
3. How You Should Use It – with the forever-free plan, you can link a profile from each social media network. For example, you can connect your profile with Facebook. After connecting, schedule ahead up to 10 posts for each network.
4. Price – there is a free basic service option as well as a paid one.
1. For what? – designing
2. Why You Should Use It – with Canva, you can create attractive images for your social media profiles, blog posts, or any other usages you can imagine. Canva made creating and editing professional-looking images a breeze! It offers premade templates too.
3. How You Should Use It – Canva has a plethora of built-in templates and optimized sizes for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. You can use any size in between as well!
4. Price – both the free and paid options are available.
Google Analytics
1. For What? – real-time analytics
2. Why You Should Use It – you will be amazed at what you can do with Google Analytics. You can do everything from tracking traffic to generating a huge amount of invaluable data.
3. How You Should Use It – just access Acquisition > Social > Network to view traffic from the different networks. You can track the engaged reading time by looking at Time on Page. Check Real-Time > Overview for real-time stats on your sites’ visitors.
4. Price – free!
Simply Measured
1. For What? – reports
2. Why You Should Use It – if you wish to manage an enterprise-level business, then check out Simply Measured. It has proven effective for big brands and their social marketing campaign. You can generate reports on Twitter followers, Facebook content, competitive analysis, insights, etc.
3. How You Should Use It – you can use Simply Measured for all six major social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, etc.
4. Price- free, but you have to mention the service on your social profile in return.
If you want to streamline your online marketing campaign, you should consider using the tools listed above.