Is the Title “Founder & CEO” Appropriate to Use on a Business Card?

The title “Founder and CEO” is a very common one and many people use this title on their visiting card. Usually, people who have a small startup or running a small business with 2/3 employees use this type of title in their visiting card. Having this type of title means, you are the owner of the company as well as the CEO of the company. Usually, the responsibilities of a CEO are much bigger than a founder because a founder found a company and appoints a CEO to run the company. However, small businesses usually can’t afford a CEO therefore, the owner runs the business and uses the title “Founder and CEO” on their visiting card.

Key Takeaways

  • The responsibilities and duties of a CEO are much more than the founders
  • Many founders manage the finance of the company or act as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • CEO works as a communicator between the founder, BoD, and the employees
  • if you are the owner of a business and take all the major decisions of your company then you can be the founder and CEO

Are Founders and CEOs the Same?

Founder and CEO are not the same terms. Usually, a founder refers to someone who establishes a business or an organization. On the Other hand, the CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. A CEO is the highest-ranked employee of a company. The main duty of a CEO is to run the business or the organization. The responsibilities of a CEO are much more than those of a Founder. Usually, the founder set up the business, and then the CEO takes it to the next level. So, a founder can become a CEO but a CEO can’t become a founder.         

Difference Between a Founder and a CEO

Establish the business from the scratchImplement various business theories to develop the business   
Identify and determine the vision of a businessManage the teams/employees to achieve the vision of the company
Many founders manage the finance of the company or act as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)The CEO doesn’t manage the finance but works to increase the revenue of the company
The founder appoints the CEO, CFO, etc.A CEO usually appoints a manager, officer, worker, etc.
The founder works as a communicator between the board of directories and the CEOCEO works as a communicator between the founder, BoD, and the employees
The founder makes the final decision regarding the future of the companyCEO makes the final decision regarding the ongoing projects of the company

What Type of Titles a Founder can Use on the Visiting Card?

There are various professional titles available that a founder can use on the Visiting card. The below table will give you a clear idea –

Professional TitleDescription
OwnerThis is the most straightforward title you can use on your visiting card as the founder of the company or a business. This type of title easily indicates your role in the company. If you are the owner of a small company then this type of title will best suit you.
CEOThe Chief Executive Officer conducts the day-to-day operations of a company. He is the most powerful employee of a company. Many owners play the role of a CEO when the business is small
FounderThis is another title that automatically indicates that you are the owner of the company.   
Managing directorThe power of a managing director is quite the same as a CEO. Like the CEO, a managing director looks after all the short- and long-term aspects of the company and make required decisions
PresidentThis is a very prestigious title and it conveys authority. If you want to present yourself as a part of a respectable and well-established company then you can put the title President on your visiting card.
DirectorThis type of business title will give a more clear idea about your role in the company. This is also a very authoritative business title that you can use on your visiting card.
PrincipalThis is another widely used business title that an owner can use in his visiting card. Usually, the responsibility of a Principle vary from one company to another but in most case, the role includes direct involvement in running the business.     
Managing MemberManaging members or partners also means that they are the co-founder/founder of the company. As a founder, you can use this business tile on your visiting card. 
AdministratorAdministrators form short and long-term business plans and implement them to maximize the profit of the company. As a business owner, you can use this title because an administrator can direct the company’s current and future actions.    
ProprietorThis title conveys the same meaning of an owner. You can use this business title on your visiting card if you own a small business. For example, a sole proprietor is a legal term that indicates the business is a single-owner business.
General managerUsually, a general manager remains in charge of a company or the operations of a company. A general manager takes all the necessary steps to ensure the business makes the targeted profit and continues its growth.
ChairpersonThe chairperson is the in-charge of the BoD and holds the most important position in any organization. So, if you are a business owner then you can use this business title on your visiting card.
Director of OperationsThe role of this position is to ensure all the operations of a business are running smoothly. Usually, the director of operations, hires the managers, directors, CEO, etc.
Technical directorA technical director looks after all the technical aspects of a business including, implementing programs, providing technical solutions, and many more.

FAQs about Is the Title “Founder & CEO” Appropriate to Use on a Business Card

Can I be the founder and CEO?

Yes, you can be the founder and CEO. If you are the owner of your company as well as if you take all the major decisions of your company then you can be the founder and CEO.

What title should I put on my business card?

The answer to this question depends on what type of role you are playing. For example, if you are the owner then you can use Founder, CEO, Proprietor, Chairperson, Director, etc.

What title should I put on my business card?

Can I use the title of CEO?

Yes, you can use the title of CEO. Usually, this type of title is used for large organizations but there is no law that prevents you from using this title for small businesses or organizations.

How do you write CEO on a business card?

The full abbreviation of CEO is Chief Executing Officer but in the visiting card people use the short form “CEO.” Using the short form looks much better in the visiting card.

