How Can I View A Walmart Gift Cards Transaction History? (Find Out Now!)

Walmart usually gives out gift cards to its customers, and you can check your gift card’s transaction history through the app, calls, or by asking the cashier. But, sadly, we see that people often confuse transaction history and balance. 

Key Takeaways

  • Walmart gift card’s transaction history gives details about when you have used the gift card and what you purchased with it
  • There are three ways you can check the Walmart gift cards transaction history: visiting the nearest Amazon store and asking the cashier, from the app, and by calling the Walmart customer service
  • In order to check the Walmart gift cards transaction history from the mobile app, you have to register a Walmart account first
  • You can easily find the Walmart customer number on the back of the gift card

How To Check The Transaction Of Your Walmart Gift Card  

Check The Transaction Of Your Walmart Gift Card 

You can check your Walmart Gift Card’s transaction history in three ways. They are:

1. By Asking The Cashier: If you are ever unsure about the transaction history of your Walmart gift card, you can walk into a Walmart store and ask the cashier to run a check on your gift card. Through this, the cashier would help you with your transaction history, and you can see what you have used the card to purchase over time. However, it is important to ensure that you let the cashier know that you are interested in seeing the history and not only the balance. It would not be inappropriate to ask the cashier to help you print out the transaction history.

2. The App: Did you know that Walmart has a mobile app? If you are a regular shopper with the store, you would know this information. Therefore, you can also check for your Walmart gift cards transaction history through the Walmart mobile app. In this case, you would need to have the app installed on your device first. After that, you need to go to the gift card section of the app and input your card detail. Next, you would see both your balance and your transaction history. It helps you to keep track of the usage of the gift card.

2. Through Calls: Suppose you are a busy person who cannot go to a physical Walmart store, and you urgently need to know your Walmart gift cards transaction history. In such a case, you would want a means to get it quickly. So, you can opt to call them instead. As a Walmart gift card owner, you should have noticed the 800 number at the back of the gift card. Thus, you can call the number for assistance in getting your gift card transaction history. Typically, you will be connected to a help desk agent when you call this number, and they will gladly assist you.  

Below Is A Table Summarizing What You Will See On A Walmart Gift Card:

Logo The Walmart logo is there for identification to know that it is a Walmart gift card.
Amount The amount you will see on the gift card signifies the card’s original value.
Number The phone number at the back of the card is the customer service number if you have any challenges. 

What Happens If I Lose My Walmart Gift Card? 

As the owner of a Walmart gift card, there is always the fear of losing your gift card. So, people are often curious to know what happens if they lose their Walmart gift card. Well, allow us to tell you that you should be ready to bear the full consequences that come with losing your gift card. 

Of course, Walmart would help in some ways when you contact them with such a complaint. However, there is only so much that they can do. 

When you contact Walmart about a stolen or lost gift card, the first thing they will do is to block the card to ensure that no one can use it anymore. After that, you can decide to get a new gift card with the remaining balance on your old card. However, keep in mind that it will come at a cost. 

Importance Of Checking Your Transaction History 

If you wonder about why you should always check the transaction history of your Walmart gift card, here are some reasons below: 

1. To Keep Track Of Expenses: It is always important to know your transaction history to keep track of your expenses. We see that it comes in handy even when handling your bank account. Therefore, the case of a Walmart gift card shouldn’t be an exception. Often, people may forget what they purchased with their Walmart gift card. However, suppose they know their transaction history. In that case, they will not encounter such challenges as it would be easy to identify the various expenses and give account for them at the end of the month or quarter. For example, you have a gift card that an older relation gave you and you need to account for how you spend the money on the gift card. Of course, you will need to state all your expenses, but you cannot do such if you do not know your transaction history. Therefore, it is always important to check your transaction history to have the right information. 

2. To Avoid Embarrassment: One also needs to check their Walmart gift card transaction history to avoid embarrassment, and we would talk about how it can play out. If you do not know your transaction history, it is easy to believe or assume that you have a sufficient balance on the card. And, it can be embarrassing when you go shopping and realize that the balance on your card is not enough to buy the things you desire. Even when such a case happens, we sometimes see people arguing with the cashiers, saying that the balance should be higher. Then, the cashier is prompted to get their transaction history, and they begin to remember times when they have the gift card. Of course, it becomes embarrassing in such cases. It is normal to forget that you might have earlier used the card. Therefore, it is always important to check your Walmart gift card transaction history so that you can avoid such embarrassment. 

3. To Clear Disparities: There are cases where it could be that your Walmart gift card balance does not tally with what you are calculating. You have checked your mind and records, and what is left on your gift card is lower than what you expected. Thus, you will need to know your gift card transaction history to settle the disparities. For example, it could be that there was a shopping trip you did not add to your records. But you can remember to add it when you check through your transaction records. In addition, we also see unique cases where it could be that someone else is using your Walmart gift card. It is only when you check through your transaction records and see some things that you never purchased that you become aware of what is happening, and you make moves to ensure that no one gets hold of your Walmart gift card again without permission.

Types Of Walmart Gift Cards 

One can typically get two types of gift cards from Walmart. They are:

Physical gift card: For this type of gift card, you will have a physical card, and you can use the card when you go to any Walmart physical store. You can always carry these cards around and present them to the cashier when making a purchase. And another thing we see about a physical gift card is that you can use it online. The fact that you can feel it does not restrict its online usage. Instead, you can use the card number online in the gift card section of the Walmart app and make purchases.

Digital Gift Card: As the name implies, you cannot physically feel this type of card as it is a digital gift card. Instead, you get it in the form of a token that you can input online when you are making purchases. Therefore, we can say that the usage of this card is restricted and limited, unlike a physical gift card, as you can only use the digital gift card online. However, you do not have the challenge of misplacing the card when dealing with a digital gift card. Getting a digital gift card is dependent on your choice, and you can get it from Walmart if you desire. 


Some of the frequently asked questions are:

How Can I View A Walmart Gifts Card Transaction History Online?

You will need to download the Walmart mobile app to view your Walmart gift card transaction history online. Once you have downloaded the app, you will input your card details on the gift card section. After that, you can see your Walmart gift card transaction history online. 

Can You See What Was Purchased On A Walmart Gift Card?

Yes, you can see what was purchased with your Walmart gift card, which is the essence of checking your Walmart gift card’s transaction history. 


The process of checking your Walmart gift cards transaction history is not difficult, and there are three ways, depending on your various. Thus, you can easily check it whenever you desire. 


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How to check Walmart gift card transaction history?

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