5 Major Forms Of Communication In Business & Management (In Detail Overview)

Communication involves the process of sending information one to another by any means. 5 major forms of communication in business and management are Intrapersonal Communication, Interpersonal Communication – Two Way, Small-Group Communication, Public Communication, and Mass Communication.

What Is The Form Of Communication?

What Is The Form Of Communication

Communication is a way of people exchanging their feelings, thoughts, ideas, and perceptions. It is also a form of giving and receiving information.

The forms of communication used to pass on messages include speech, writing, body language, visual arts, data transmission or broadcast through radio waves or television signals. The usage of communication has been around for quite some time but it is still evolving with the technology in use today.

In everyday life, it is easy for us to communicate with each other – whether it be through the phone, chat, or email. But in some cases, people may need to communicate with a person face-to-face. There are many ways of communication that we use in our day-to-day lives and here are some:

Talk: When two or more people talk to each other and say what they want or what they have to say.

Writing: When someone writes something down on paper or a computer and sends it to someone else.

Speaking: When a person talks about something with their voice – whether it be on the phone, over Skype, in front of an audience, etc.

Gestures: When someone uses their hands and body language during a conversation, it’s often called body language.

Forms Of Communication

Forms Of Communication

In terms of contexts, channel means, and participants, communication is divided among multiple forms. There are five major forms of communication.

The Five Majors Forms Of Communication

1. Intrapersonal Communication

2. Interpersonal Communication – Two Way

3. Small-Group Communication

4. Public Communication

5. Mass Communication

A brief discussion on the five major forms is given below:

Intrapersonal Communication

Intrapersonal Communication is a form of communication that takes place within oneself. Since the communication is established within one person – the source and receiver of message transmission are only one.

You tend to establish intrapersonal communication through thinking, pain, emotion, feelings, etc.

Key Takeaway: Intrapersonal Communication occurs within our heads.

Interpersonal Communication – Two-Way Communication

Interpersonal Communication takes place between people who mutually interact with each other. Interpersonal communication builds, maintains, and breaks relationships. People spend more time in interpersonal communication than any other form of communication.

Interpersonal Communication is also known as Two-Way Communication

Key Takeaway: Interpersonal Communication is more structured and goal-oriented than intrapersonal communication. It is the most common form of communication.

Group Communication – Small Group  Communication

Small Group  Communication

Group Communication takes place among three or more people working to achieve a common goal. The basic example of group communication is students working in groups to partake in a project or sports. Group Communication can be frustrating at first.

However, they can introduce groups to professional settings with useful experience and preparation. Group Communication is important from an Organization’s viewpoint as it can achieve faster progress with group-based models.

Key Takeaway: Group Communication is important for achieving a shared goal. Group Communication can make the organization more effective.

Public Communication

Public Communication involves a person conveying information to an audience. It is a sender-focused form of communication. Many fear public speaking or at least don’t enjoy taking part in public speaking. Public Communication is different from Interpersonal or Group Communication as there are mutual feedback in this form of communication. This form of communication involves a single person sending information to a large audience.

Public Speaking plays an important part in our professional, daily, and social lives just like Group Communication.

Key Takeaway: Public Communication is a more goal-oriented, formal, and intentional form of communication.

Mass Communication

Mass Communication is rather a larger form of public communication. Public Communication becomes Mass Communication when messages of public communication are transmitted through electronic or print media.

Newspapers and magazines are an important form of Mass Communication. These forms of mass communication are currently on the decline due to the rise of electronic media.

Key Takeaway: the digital revolution, TV, and printing press have transformed Mass Communication.

Grapevine Communication

Grapevine Communication isn’t a major form of communication. It refers to an informal channel made in business communication. Employees of a business opt for grapevine communication when they cannot use the formal channel of communication.

Let’s learn more about forms of communications in different sectors:

List Of Forms Of Communication In Business

In the digital era, there are multiple ways in which companies and businesses can communicate with their audiences. Following are some of the forms of communication that are widely used by companies and businesses.

By using a mix of these forms, businesses can reach their audience in an engaging and meaningful way.

There are a few different forms of communication that exist in business today.

1. written communication

2. oral communication

3. body language

4. visual communication

10 Forms Of Communication In Nursing

1. Verbal Communication.

2. Nonverbal Communication.

3. Active Listening.

4. Written Communication.

5. Presentation Skills.

6. Patient Education (Patient Teach-Back)

7. Making Personal Connections.

8. Trust.

9. Cultural Awareness.

10. Compassion.

The Forms Of Communication In The 1800s

With the advancement in technology, the forms of communication have changed drastically. Some of the most prominent forms of communication are emails, letters, social media platforms, and texts.

The introduction to this section will focus on how the forms of communication have changed since the 1800s and what those changes were like for society.

In 1837 when Samuel Morse sent his first telegraph signal to Baltimore, it was a breakthrough for humanity’s capability to stay in touch by sending messages. The telegraph was able to send messages at a speed that was too fast for anyone’s written voice or even audible voice to be able to be sent between communicating parties without interference from outside forces. This new form of communication has drastically changed how we communicate today by shortening distances and time taken.

The History Of Form Of Communication

The form of communication we use changes across time. This happens because the society and culture of our era are different from those of the past.

The form of communication developed from face-to-face interaction into writing and then into print media. The invention of the printing press had a huge impact on European society in general, language, and politics; particularly with regard to censorship, literacy levels, religious dissenters, and statecraft.

Printing also facilitated mass communication by making information widely available to a wide audience at a low cost. However, with the dawn of the digital age, it has become more difficult for traditional forms of communication like print media to maintain their relevance due to new technologies like mobile phones.

In the last century, the form of communication has been changed by technologies such as the internet, which have brought about new forms of communication such as social media.

The earliest form of written communication consisted of a Sumerian cuneiform script. The first piece of writing was a three-line inscription on a clay tablet that dates back to 3100 BC. The earliest examples can be found on baked clay tablets known as “sherds”. These were pieces of broken pottery with writing incised into the surface before firing.

Forms Of Communication Related PDF List

There are various forms of communication-related books on the market. Readers can choose a particular form depending on their needs and wants. Here are some free PDFs that covered different communication forms and the industry itself. Happy reading-

1. https://www.uou.ac.in/sites/default/files/slm/BHMAECC-II.pdf

2. http://www.academia.edu/29261963/TYPES_OF_COMMUNICATION_TYPES_OF_COMMUNICATION

3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337649561_What_is_Communication

4. https://open.lib.umn.edu/businesscommunication/open/download?type=pdf

5. https://nacmnet.org/wp-content/uploads/Communication-in-the-Workplace-Reference-Guide.pdf

Bottom Line

Communication forms vary in terms of participants, channel means, and contexts. I discussed the forms of communication in this article.


1. https://smallbusiness.chron.com/types-business-communications-697.html
2. https://www.businessmanagementideas.com/communication/types-of-communication/different-types-of-communication-business-management/18316
