5 Principles Every Event Planner Should Know

The 5 principles every event planner should know are Planning, Participants, Organizing, Venue, and Relationship.

There are many factors that can make or break your event. Most event planners today learn a variety of skills by themselves or from their mistakes. Either way, the factors that determine the success of your event are the key principle. And, an event planner should abide by it no matter what!

In this article, I listed 5 key principles that you should know. These 5 key principles will ensure you plan a memorable event. They are:

1. Planning – planning is everything. You should consider every single detail when planning. Your plan should include the best, unexpected, or worst. Clear planning ensures that you cover all the bases. Just make sure that you looked at everything.

#Pro Tipwhat’s the worst that could happen? Always have a plan for the worst.

Event Planner


1. Plan for the best

2. Plan for the expected scenes

3. Plan for the worst

4. Do not panic

2. Participantssource the skilled participants who will take part in your event as presenters or exhibitors. Prepare a list of potential participants and contact them personally by email. Then, explain the perks of being a participant for you.

#Pro Tips

1. Create an event website where your participant can obtain information about your event

2. Your event should help your participant reach their own target audiences easily. So, make sure you outline processes to attract more visitors.

3. Organizing when planning, it’s important that you stay organized. The last thing you’ll need when planning to lose vital information in one big pile. When you use your laptop to store information about the event, then you know exactly where everything is.

# Pro Tips

1. Keep all the to do’s at hand and keep them organized

2. Use effective event planning tools to keep track of things

For example: Pro Party Planner is a flexible event planning guide. It enables you to sync with your multiple devices. Moreover, it can help you to share files and connect with your team with just a click.


Do not use papers or binders to keep track of things as you may find yourself overwhelmed with staying organized.

4. Venue location is always the key. No matter how good your planning is, if you don’t pick the right venue, you may have a botched-up event. Your venue should be accessible to everyone you invited. The venue should also host the number of visitors and exhibitors you wish to attract.

# Takeaways

1. Pick a venue where your guests can come easily and that is suitable for the event

2. If your event is to last several days, consider easy accommodations nearby the venue

5. Relationship – you’re in the industry designed to serve people. And, building strong relationships with your customers makes the job easier. You can start building relationships with your visitors right after the event.

#How To Build Relationships Checklist

1. Ask visitors, attendees, and presenters for feedback on the event

2. Publish news related to the event you hosted

3. Encourage participants and visitors to connect with you on social media


Events such as conferences and exhibitions play an important role in building small businesses. To create a successful event, there are a few principles you must follow. In this article, I discussed such principles.

1. https://matey.events/en/strategic-event-planning-book/
2. https://www.socialtables.com/blog/event-planning/event-planning-guide/

Last Updated on October 24, 2022 by Magalie D.

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